The Moon Mother Saga

With a dark & earthy mixture of folk and rock Moon Mother takes you on a dreamy ride through their world. They call their music MÅNROCK because when your music is hard to define you might just come up with your own genre. 

Moon Mother is music for the wild ones, the nostalgic and for the feelers. For the ones who are walking through the dark night with only the moon as company. With a voice that will bring forth emotions it's an interesting and powerful mixture you haven't really heard before as etheral vocals and honest storytelling dances upon a down to earth atmosphere mixed with doomy rocksounds and folky melodies. Sometimes it swings away in a dance of nostalgic jazzsounds, sometimes it's the attitude of gritty rock n' roll, sometimes it's just a lonesome folksong by the fire in the woods but one thing is for sure and that is that it will spark your imagination and have your mind wander - no matter what shape the mystical being of Moon Mother is taking she will break down your walls and make you feel something inside.

"Moon Mother is the voice that lives within the mud that called us out of the noise of our modern world and into the world of wilderness and soul, back home to ourselves. It's the song that echoes in that last resort where misfits, wild ones, outcasts and people with heavy stories and a pain that sits like a mountain on their shoulders come to scream in despair of the great loneliness of grief and disconnection -  Moon Mother is what answered us."


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